ADC Sushi 9
"Those who don´t play have already lost!" The German Slogan for the public lottery is also a universal mantra for all creatives. Only if you keep your instincts for playing, trying, experimenting and newcombining you can truly find a new formula for something special. Every year the Art Directors Club for Germany awards the most creative works of students, gradients and entrants. Sushi 9 is once again a proud compendium of the most beautiful breach of rules 2006. On 266 pages we take a look at winners of the areas of advertising, photography, film and new media while peeking into the cards of our international players. The content: Interviews with musician and artists like Jim Avignon & Nova Huta, Hi-Res! and also creative family businesses like Rempen and Troxler. We took a look at the creative scene in south america and created together with incredible artists from all over the world a cardgame and beautiful paperboys.